Help & FAQs

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about You can email or with ideas, feedback, or questions about any topics that aren’t covered here. We love to hear from you.

What does do?

We’re a marketplace that connects high-quality job seekers with companies that are looking to hire them. Every week, we introduce growing technology companies to high-quality software engineers, designers, product managers, and businesspeople from the community.

What's an candidate batch?

It's a hand-picked collection of technical, product, and business candidates that we send to companies on the platform. Only a small percentage of candidates who sign up for make it into a candidate batch and, for the most part, each candidate only gets to participate in one batch. Companies reach out to batch candidates directly and take them through their normal hiring process.

What types of companies do you work with?

95% of companies using the platform are privately-held venture-backed startups. The remainder are larger technology companies and organizations that have startup-like opportunities. Our goal is to build a network of the highest-quality organizations in the world, which means that we only approve about 50% of the companies that try to join We don't work with recruiting agencies.

What types of candidates do you work with?

We group candidates into three expertise categories: technical, product, and business. Technical candidates are engineers (backend, frontend, fullstack, data, QA, DevOps, hardware, and more). Product candidates are product designers and product managers. Business candidates cover a broad range of roles (sales, marketing, business development, operations, finance, human resources, legal, and more).

How long will it take for me to get added to a batch? When will I hear from you?

Jobs at technology companies are highly specialized and competitive. Given that, only a small subset of candidates who apply to get featured in a candidate batch. Technical and product candidates usually hear from us within 7-10 days of signing up. For business candidates, the timeline can be a little longer. Because of candidate volume, we can only respond to candidates when they are selected for an batch.

Will my current employer be able to see my profile if they are an customer?

No. All candidates have the option to identify specific companies that shouldn't contact on their behalf. We also proactively hide candidates from current and past employers.

Do companies hire contract, remote, and/or visa candidates?

Many do, but candidates who have the best experience with tend to be looking for full-time positions and don't require visa sponsorship. Some of our companies sponsor visa candidates who already live in the U.S. and have existing, transferable visas. If you live outside of the U.S. and/or hold a non-transferable visa (e.g. B1, L1, J1), we are not likely to feature you in an candidate batch.

What if I don't have an up-to-date resume?

Please try to put something together, even if it's just a PDF export of your LinkedIn profile. Resumes aren't perfect, but they help give us a structured summary of our candidates' work and education experience.

What if I’m looking for a startup job in another city?

We're planning to launch new cities in the coming months based on the demand for and the environment for technology hires in each local market. Visit our cities pages to track our progress. We also recently started working with remote companies; you can opt into those opportunities by signing up on our candidates page.

Why can't I log in to my account?

The short answer is that you likely don't have an account (yet). Candidates and companies can only log in after they've applied AND once they've been approved and accepted into the community, which remains small. We're working on growing our footprint so we can work with more users on both sides of the market. In the meantime, please bear with us.

Why doesn't your list of design skills have tools?

You might notice that our list of design skills doesn't include tools like Sketch or Framer. Instead, it's focused on categories of skills like UX Design, Brand / Identity Design, JavaScript, and Design Management. We believe that experience and skill in the design field best understood through the type of work someone does, rather than the tooling they use. We also understand there to be a spectrum of digital design skills. People who call themselves "designers" often have multiple skills ranging from front-end development to product management and client engagement skills. We've tried to reflect this perspective on our list of design skills, but if you think we've missed something important, send us a message.